Pipeline Health & Plan Attainment

"How is hiring going?" Understanding real-time candidate pipelines and overall job health can actually be very challenging in many ATSs. 

Crosschq brings unprecedented visibility and collaboration into your pipeline workflow with a clean and visually-compelling engagement layer for recruiters, recruiting leaders and hiring managers.

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The Crosschq Solution: Easy to Use Visualizations

Crosschq offers an easy-to-use visualization layer that helps both recruiters and hiring managers easily visualize the health of their pipelines:

  • Customizable red, yellow and green job and candidate status color coding for quick prioritization
  • Real-time bi-directional sync with your ATS for up-to-the-minute accurate reporting
  • Shareable and highly collaborative user interface

Why Customers Turn to Crosschq

Intuitive Single Source of Truth

No more guessing. Every team member is on the same page with this clear, unified pipeline status hub.

1-Click Report Verification

Easily validate the source of the data behind every status report.

Unprecedented Collaboration

With pipeline views for every role, conversations start at strategy, not playing catch up.

Browse Other Crosschq Solutions

Recruiter Performance and Capacity

Better manage the day-to-day and allocate resources

Highlight key KPI data and aggregate other data points for deep insights to manage and evaluate teams and ensure candidates are aligning with Hiring Manager needs.

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Candidate Experience

Keep a pulse on the experience right from your ATS

Trigger customized surveys at any step in the hiring journey so you can slice and dice the data to uncover areas for improvement.

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Interviewing, Assessments & Sourcing

Evaluate interview processes for quality decisions, positive experiences, and reducing bias

A consolidated view of your interviewing operations is the key to optimizing this critical component of the hiring process. Crosschq answers questions from interview-hours-to-role to more complex correlations like Quality of Hire by interviewer scorecard rating.

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Take the Guesswork
Out of Hiring

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