Crosschq Blog
Crosschq Sales Kickoff 2021

With our new Head of Sales, Lance Dai, now on board and the team growing as a whole, it seemed appropriate to call in the remote troops to our San Francisco Bay Area headquarters for a proper and in-person sales kickoff-- now that we finally could thanks to science and vaccines!
So on a plane, for the first time in a long time for many, came the Sales Team, Amber West, Reese Hughes, and new hire Kelsey Peterson heading up the Customer Success Team, to gather with the rest of Sales, Ryan Collins, and Natalie Cooper, Marketing, including Director of Marketing Debra Carney and Director of Communications Elena Arney, and Product Teams, including Head of Data Chris Drake and Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder Pete Goettner, for three days of planning, brainstorming, collaborating, presenting, and some good old fashioned team bonding with our CEO and Co-Founder Mike Fitzsimmons at the helm. Also in virtual attendance was our incredible Head of Customer Support, Nicole Garelick, who unfortunately could not attend in person, but successfully demonstrated the meeting hybrid model many companies will be/are adapting to with remote teams.
For those who could attend live, it was great to all be in the same room together and put actual faces to the virtual faces we interact with each other every day. From thought-provoking, in-depth, and collaborative working discussions to a fun BBQ at our CEO and Co-Founder Mike Fitzsimmon's home where we learned our Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Pete Goettner, is not only gifted at technology, but also at margarita-making to a festive dinner with some of our beloved customers, partners, advisors, and friends. Joining us in attendance for dinner were customers Ron Storn from Booster Fuels, Craig Walker and Tasha Liniger from Dialpad, advisory board member Rick Iversen from eBay, and friends of Crosschq, Casey Rhodes from ABD.
The three days were action-packed reaffirming all of the greatness about Crosschq-- not only do we build amazing products on the Talent Intelligence Cloud™ to help companies with digital reference checks and talent analytics for quality of hire, but we also have some pretty amazing people at Crosschq – our leaders, team members, customers, and partners.
Confirming this sentiment, Lance had this to say about the sales kickoff, "The US go-to-market team was excited to get together and plan the balance of 2021! It was an energizing week that reinforced how special what we are building at Crosschq is."
To learn more about Crosschq or to schedule a personalized demo, visit www.crosschq.com.
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by Debra Carney
Director of Marketing
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