Elena Arney

Director of People & Culture

4 Recruiting Benchmarks to Focus on in 2023 and Why They Matter

Without hiring benchmarks, you can’t track progress or identify issues. See 4 recruiting benchmarks to help improve hiring strategies and elevate Quality of Hire in 2023.


Recruiting Benchmarks

Top 6 Recruiting Pipeline Metrics to Track in 2023

See what recruiting pipeline metrics to track in 2023 and why they matter: Pass-through rates, Time to Fill, Quality of Hire, Candidate Experience, and more!

Talent Acquisition

Pipeline Metrics

Using Interview Scores and Effectiveness To Predict Quality of Hire

Choosing the right candidates is crucial for every business, but according to Crosschq data, interviews aren't the best indicator of Quality of Hire. See why and hiring alternatives.

Crosschq Analytics

Quality of Hire

TalentWall™ by Crosschq


5 Reasons Why Employee Churn Can Be a GOOD Thing

When Quality of Hire is poor, that will correlate to poor business outcomes. See a checklist of 5 reasons why churning low-performers will be good for your business.

Employee Spotlight: Carla Firpo

Crosschq celebrates diverse, winning teams, including our own. Meet Carla Firpo, Talent Acquisition Specialist, and see what makes her so special.

People & Culture

4 Reasons Why Candidate Experience is Driving Recruiting In Today's Market

One of the top drivers of recruitment today is candidate experience. See four reasons why it’s so important and three best practices.

Candidate Experience

The Battle Against Attrition, Part 2: Why You Can't Back-Burner Employee Training and Development

Retaining employees hinges on giving them the potential to move steadily forward along their career path while learning the skills they need to excel.

Employee Retention

Employee L&D

The Battle Against Attrition, Part I: How Training and Mentoring Employees Pays Off

Help win the battle against attrition by identifying high-value employees, recognizing and rewarding them, and providing training and mentoring opportunities.



Employee L&D