Time Management Skills Assessment

A time management skills assessment is a pre-hire test designed to evaluate how well candidates manage time, hit deadlines, prioritize important tasks, and navigate the varying responsibilities that come with demanding roles.

Candidate Assessments

Digital Skills Assessment

Digital skills assessments are competency tests or references that measure candidates’ proficiencies with digital tools, technologies, and basic computer skills.

Candidate Assessments

Sales Associate Skills

Sales associate skills are the capabilities and experiences that make a quality sales associate candidate. Like most positions, candidates need a unique set of skills and experiences to excel as a sales associate. 

Candidate Assessments

IT Skills Assessment

IT skills assessments are pre-hire tests you can use to evaluate an applicant's IT knowledge, skills, experiences, and expertise. Most hiring teams use IT skills assessments alongside interviews, reference checks, and other pre-hire tests to get a fuller picture of your candidate. 

Candidate Assessments

Sales Manager Skills

Sales manager skills are the capabilities and experiences required to excel as a sales manager. Unlike sales associate positions, sales managers need the leadership and organizational skills to train and manage a team of sales professionals.

Candidate Assessments

Cognitive Assessment & Testing for Recruiting

Learn how you can leverage cognitive assessments to improve your quality of hire and identify top talent. 

Candidate Assessments

Learning Agility Assessment

Learn how you can benefit from learning agility assessments and how to leverage them in your hiring process. 

Candidate Assessments