Daniel Dean
Contributing Writer

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Integrating Closed-Loop Quality of Hire Measures with Crosschq Analytics
Quality of Hire isn’t just a descriptor; it’s an ongoing effort to define and refine your organization's recruitment and retention practices in light of employee performance.

Talent Pipeline Automation With Crosschq Recruit
Building and maintaining an effective talent pipeline can be a drain on company resources. Talent pipeline automation with Crosschq Recruit to solve the problem.

Six Things Your Talent Acquisition Technology Needs To Do
Talent acquisition technology is becoming a prime differentiator for companies seeking to hire top talent. It’s key to shortening time to hire and improving quality.

How Human Intelligence Hiring Is Key to Building a Great Workforce
When you use specialized AI programs and human intelligence hiring, you can eliminate pitfalls and streamline HR operations.

Filling Your Candidate Pipeline With Quality Candidates: A Look at Crosschq Recruit
Leveraging candidate pipeline tools allows your company to stay ahead of the hiring game. Learn more about how Crosschq Recruit can help.

AI Recruiting vs Human Recruiters
AI recruiting tools eliminate repetitive tasks and save time but raise issues of distrust. Know the facts about where humans fit into the equation.

Automating These 5 HR Tasks Delivers the Biggest Impact
Automating HR tasks can make the HR department much more effective and efficient. Check out the top five tasks that will have the most impact.